Sunday, July 20, 2008

A New Beginning

Hi folks... we realize that we have such a big community of people who love us and are praying for us that we wanted to start this blog to keep everyone informed and up-to-date on the Beigay adoption process!! We had a meeting Friday (7-18-08) in Raleigh with the agency... more info on adoption and legal processes!! I think we both left feeling slightly overwhelmed but greatful for the direction God is leading us in!!! Our first homestudy visit is on Tues (7-22-08) so please say an extra prayer for this (It is required by NC law but nobody but us, the social worker, and agency ever see it!) We will have one visit per week for three weeks (about an hour and a half long) and then a written report is made and filed with the state. Please continue to pray for us and our birthmother/father/baby out there somewhere!! Thanks so much!!! We love you all!

1 comment:

Matt, Kristy, Bryce, Riley, Bauer & Patches said...

Good Luck Mike, Aundy, & Daisy Lou with this exciting adventure you are starting. I am sure it will be a lengthly process to go thru, but worth every bit! We are looking forward to welcoming the new addition to the family. You are in our thoughts & prayers! Bryce & Riley can't wait for a playmate!